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About LithoMosaic

The LithoMosaic system utilizes mosaic patterns together with a Lithocrete paving system. This is the only system that installs mosaics in a full thickness monolithic pour, allowing designers the flexibility to create their own art piece at significantly less cost than any other medium currently available.

From start to finish, the LithoMosaic process has been designed in such a way as to achieve creative control in ways that other process can’t begin to match. No longer does the artist need to “hand seed” the aggregates. Complete works can be assembled in the studio and then transported to the jobsite for installation. This also allows review by the client, architects and other team members prior to the final install.

Lithocrete® is a Shaw & Sons signature patented concrete product. LithoMosaic™ is covered under pending U.S. patents and trademarks and U.S. trademark #3,416,208.

References (5)

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  • Response
    Response: una de tantas
    LithoMosaic - Mosaic and Concrete - Why LithoMosaic? - About LithoMosaic
  • Response
    LithoMosaic - Mosaic and Concrete - Why LithoMosaic? - About LithoMosaic
  • Response
    Response: click for more
    LithoMosaic - Mosaic and Concrete - Why LithoMosaic? - About LithoMosaic
  • Response
    Response: dui lawyer
    LithoMosaic - Mosaic and Concrete - Why LithoMosaic? - About LithoMosaic
  • Response
    Response: DUI

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