Robin Brailsford, Brailsford Public Art

Robin Brailsford holds an MFA in Sculpture and a patent for LithoMosaic, a method of casting mosaics within monolithic concrete pours. Brailsford is a co-inventor of LithoMosaic, a process for setting mosaics in monolithic concrete pours and production. Together with Lithocrete, Shaw & Sons and T.B. Penick, she is now promoting the innovative LithoMosaic process internationally for public art, landscape architecture and architecture.

A pioneer in the field of public art, Brailsford has extensive knowledge about the public art process and frequently mentors other artists, sharing her know-how and experience with the public art approval and funding process, working with architects and landscape architects, applications methods, collaborating with designers and other partners, design techniques, materials, marketing, funding sources and various other aspects of public art. Robin is a founder and director of Public Address, the first public art advocacy group in the nation. She works with public artists across the country to establish equitable standards for artists and administrators.

Known as the “Good Ideas Woman”, Brailsford is public artist who relishes large and complex public art projects, and specializes in developing innovative, comprehensive solutions to daunting civic and environmental challenges. She has been creating award-winning public art projects for more than two decades, including:

- Stream of Consciousness/Body of Water at the Miramar Water Treatment Plant

- Los Pionereos de la Rivera de San Gabriel, which tells the story of a unique Chicano community with an image relating to family trees and alluvial fans, for the Metro Goldline in Los Angeles, CA.

- River of Life for the Santa Monica Downtown Transit Mall.

- Spring Mountain Preserve for the United States Forest Service, Mt. Charleston, Nevada. Brailsford is the Lead Artist for the 312,000-acre Kyle Canyon Preserve and is developing a master plan for USFS Interpretive Specialists. This is the first time a design team has been assembled to craft a comprehensive design, architecture, landscape, environmental and public art blueprint for an American national forest.

Robin derives inspiration for her creations from individual site surroundings as well as the purpose of the artwork, structural elements and materials, and diverse other sources including I-Ching, origami and geometry. She is highly regarded as an artisan who executes her craft within budget, on schedule and to clients’ highest aesthetic and technical expectations.

Awards and Honors
- Western Council of Construction Consumers “Excellence in Design, Engineering and Construction ” for “River of Life” and the Downtown Transit Mall, Santa Monica, CA. 2003.

- Southern California Ready-mixed Concrete Association “Cornerstone Award - for excellence in the application of concrete in the Downtown Transit Mall Intersection,” for “River of Life,” Santa Monica, CA. 2003.

- American Public Works Association
• Southern California “2002 Streets and Transportation Project of the Year,” for “River of Life,” the Santa Monica Downtown Transit Mall.
• San Diego County, “1997 Project of the Year under $2 million, for ‘Processional Passage.”
- American Society of Civil Engineers “Imperial and San Diego Counties ‘Bridge Project of the Year” for the Hollister Street Bridge – “ARCADIA/UTOPIA.” 1999.
- American Institute of Architects, San Diego, CA.
• “Orchid” for City Heights Library, “Mountain Climbing,” 1999,
• “Orchid” for “Processional Passage” 1997,
• “Orchid” for Tijuana Estuary Visitor Center, “Watershed Map” 1995.


For a full resume and project gallery, please visit: